
My name is Dory. I am a freelance writer and married mother of two living in suburbia. I am working on becoming brave.

So nearly every day for a year I am going to attempt one thing that scares me – tell an unpopular truth, try something new, let myself be seen without the genial smoke screen. I won’t be joining the volunteer fire department or the military or the Peace Corps. But I am willing to take some chances, and I hope doing so will lead to more rewarding work, more fulfilling relationships, maybe even an extraordinary life.

Now, a word about the word “brave.” There are wonderful souls in this world who are Brave with a capital “B,” those who risk their lives in the service of others – police officers, firefighters, military personnel and the like – or those who battle serious illness or injury. I do not for one second liken my brand of bravery to theirs. I am talking about a quieter kind of courage. Everyday bravery—the choice between hiding and telling the truth, between playing it safe and risking failure, harsh judgment or ridicule.

A little bit of bravery is better than none.

I also reserve the right to ignore my initial objective in writing this blog if I feel like it. For example, in February 2012, I am doing something that brings me joy every day. Just because I feel like it. And because February feels like the longest month of the year.

See how I am not even worrying about your expecations of me? I’m braver already.

40 Responses to About

  1. I think that this is amazing!!! I am looking forward to reading more and catching up on what I missed. Right now it is 12:30 am where I am so I will be subscribing, and looking at more tomorrow. Just wanted to swing on by tho, and leave this little comment. Being brave is an incredibly scary thing, but it can lead to great things that we did not even know we could do. I wish you all the luck with this adventure =)

  2. workmomad says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog, Tales from the Mom-Side, at http://www.workingmomadventures.com. It gave me the chance to find your blog, which I have enjoyed reading for the first time today! I am not particular brave with a small b either.


  3. What a great idea for a blog! When it comes down to it, I’m pretty chicken too. I’m looking forward to reading about your everyday bravery…seems very gutsy to me : )

  4. Everyday bravery is certainly a worthy and inspirational topic. Kudos to you for your endeavor. Can’t wait to read more.

  5. gojulesgo says:

    Thanks so much for the follow!! Your blog looks amazing and, well, kind of intimidating. Because I’m such a wuss. I can’t wait to check out some of the things you’ve done so far! …I’m allowed to live vacariously through your bravery, right? 😉

  6. I meant to post this the other day, but I just wanted to say that I love what you are doing and the idea of this blog. All I can say is I know that it will be worth it in the end and keep going!

  7. addielicious says:

    Glad to have chanced upon your blog. Like you, I’m working on being able to conquer my fears by daring myself every so often and eventually turning said fears into things I love.

    Good luck! 😀

  8. speaker7 says:

    I was wondering why I never received any posts from your blog and it just dawned on me that I never subscribed. I thought I had. I have now. Excited to follow.

  9. Love your declaration. Can relate to speaker7.

  10. Ruby Tuesday says:

    That’s what really makes life worthwhile though, isn’t it? The little things in life, the brave with a small “b” (not to detract from the big “B” Brave). The people who may not be immortalized by the world, but will forever be immortalized in the hearts of those who know them.

    I look forward to poking around to see what I’ve missed. 🙂

  11. I love the blog, and great name!

  12. Lisa Wields Words says:

    What a great idea. I try to be brave with at least one thing every year, but perhaps I should step it up a notch.

  13. Tori Nelson says:

    Dory, I can’t believe I’m just now finding your blog! I’ve been missing out 🙂 Excited to read more!

  14. booksnob says:

    Tag! Thanks for writing an awesome blog! http://wp.me/p1Zgyz-2W

    • Thank you! I have been pretty lame about blogging this month, but I WILL thank you for the award in a blog post. Soon. Promise. As soon as I can find the power cord for my laptop. Not very organized around here lately…

  15. jfb57 says:

    Hi Dory!
    Great to catch up with you! Thank you so much for all your support for Julia’s Place. I look forward to getting some of that bravery!

  16. You’re absolutely right. I’m sure you’ll grow such much with fear behind you.

  17. Kelly says:

    Haven’t read a single post and subscribed based on your About page alone!! I love being Brave. It is my single greatest struggle. I try and do one thing a day that scares me. Which is not hard when for some reason I hate making phone calls. 🙂 Looking forward to reading.

  18. Blogdramedy says:

    I like what you’re doing here with this blog. It’s very…freeing somehow. Just don’t tell anyone I was here or said anything that could be construed as positive. That would so totally ruin my reputation.

    In fact, read this comment and then delete. I now know where you are so I’ll be back. 🙂

  19. Ashmita says:

    just tagged you on tag it Dory! have a look and have fun!


  20. Pleasure to meet you. :0) On being brave, consider this: a firefighter is in his comfort zone while inside of a blazing inferno. Others consider him or her “heroic” while he would consider himself “simply doing his job”. An agoraphobic boldly leaving his or her house one strange day, might be seen by some as “simply doing their job”, but it is indeed “heroic” to that agoraphobe. If your idea of bravery is a challenging thing, then it is indeed bravery. To yourself, you may feel weak or small confronting that thing. But to somebody out there- somewhere- you’re a hero. ;0)

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